Join us for our 2nd annual Mississippi Prophecy Conference!

We are welcoming back Jeff Kinley and introducing another cutting-edge prophecy speaker, Dr. J.B. Hixson.

Come hear our speakers cover the latest prophetic developments and be encouraged in the Lord.  2025 is going to be another challenging year for America!  Get your tickets today!  We look forward to seeing you!
Sheraton Flowood
Refuge Hotel & Conference Center
2200 Refuge Blvd
Flowood, MS
Date & Time
February 22, 2025
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Join us on 2/22/25
Major bible prophecies are being fulfilled right before our very eyes.  We are exhorted to hold firmly to the confession of our hope, to encourage one another in love and good deeds, and to do so all the more as you see the day drawing near!  This video will give you a feel for what to expect at our next Mississippi Prophecy Conference on February 22, 2025.  We look forward to seeing you there!
We are excited to bring you these prophecy teachers!
Jeff Kinley
Former pastor, best-selling author of 40+ books, recognized expert and thought-leader in the field of Bible prophecy, graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, co-host of Prophecy Pros podcast heard in over 120 countries, featured guest on the Christian Broadcasting Network, Fox and Friends, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, new host of The King is Coming.
Dr. J.B. Hixson
Nationally known author, speaker, radio host. 35 years ministry experience as pastor and faculty member in academia. Author of 13 books including Spirit of the False Prophet: Rise of the Global Technocracy; Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception. Popular guest on Christian television including Understanding the Times and Prophecy Watchers. Married 32 years, 6 kids, and 1 granddaughter.
Kris Gautier​​​​
Host, moderator, author, and  watchman. Retired businessman  with advanced expertise in wide area networking, internet services, digital technologies and global telecom. Personal interest in geopolitical events surrounding the restored nation of Israel. Travel and mission experiences include visits to Africa, Europe, Caribbean, and Middle East. Kris and his wife lead a Sunday evening study group in Madison. 
Music & Worship
We are pleased to have Judy Davis and Kathy Gautier providing music and worship!

Judy is a Pelahatchie native, wife, mother of 3, Christian musician and singer. In addition to being an exceptional pianist, Judy has a Masters degree from the University of Mississippi in vocal performance. Judy's album "I Believe! (Now help my unbelief)" is the culmination of personal lessons she's learned from the Lord. Her music is intended to inspire and bring comfort to the body of Christ. Judy will be playing during our lunch hour.

Kathy is a seasoned vocal artist, gifted with the ministry of encouragement through song.  Kathy was the featured soloist at the Prophecy Watcher's 2023 Imminent Return Prophecy Summit in Oklahoma and at the 2024 Watchers Weekend Prophecy Conference in Colorado Springs. She enjoys using her gift, not to entertain, but to remind people of our Blessed Hope and His soon return!
8:15 AM-9:00 AM
Pick Up Welcome Packet
All ticketed attendees will receive a lanyard with a name tag
9:00 AM-
9:10 AM
Opening Prayer, music, announcements
Conference kicks-off with prayer, music by Kathy Gautier, announcements
9:10 AM-
10:25 AM
Session #1 - J.B. Hixson
Spirit of the False Prophet:
Rise of the Global Technocracy
10:30 AM-
11:45 pM
Session #2 - Jeff Kinley
The End of the World According to Jesus of Nazareth:
What He Said. And What It Means for You.
11:45 PM-
12:25 PM
Enjoy "live" Christian music from Judy Davis.
12:25 PM-
12:30 PM
Worship music 
Open afternoon session with music by Kathy Gautier
12:30 PM- 
1:45 pm
Session #3 - J.B. Hixson
The Great Last Days Apostacy:
How the American Church is Falling Away
1:50 pm-
3:05 pm
Session #4 - Jeff Kinley
The Glorious Return of Jesus Christ:
A Closer Look at the Second Coming
3:05 pm-
3:15 pm
Time to visit book tables, submit questions for Q & A, take photos
3:20 pm
Worship music
Open final session with music by Kathy Gautier
4:40 pm
Session #5 - Kris Gautier
What's Next on God's Prophetic Timeline for Israel?
4:45 pm-
5:15 pm
Moderated Q & A Panel with Speakers
Speakers will address questions from attendees
Prayer & blessing
Closing chorus
6:00 pm
Doors close
Conference ends

Sheraton Flowood
Refuge Hotel & Conference Center
Call 769-209-6990 and mention mini-code "MP2" for a discounted room
2200 Refuge Blvd.
Flowood, MS 39232
Join us February 22, 2025
Watching for our Blessed Hope!
If you would like to sponsor our Mississippi Prophecy Conference, you can give anonymously when purchasing your ticket(s).  Donations given will help offset additional conference expenses not covered by ticket sales.

The Mississippi Prophecy Conference (c) is not affiliated with any particular church or denomination.

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